I will give you some
simple tips that will help you achieve your goal and get six pack abs
. what people normally do is train there abs evry day very hard but
they still don't see any results. why ? it's very simple because the
first place the body start to store fate into is the abdominal region
than the buttocks and thigh , and the last place that the body burns
fat from is the abdominal region , so how to get six pack abs ?
What you need to
know is to lose that belly fat and see your abdominals you your body
fat has to be below 10% and that take some time , and you need to
know there is no easy way to get six pack abs , you have to do some
How to lower your
body fat below 10% ?
to get below 10%
body fat you need to do 2 essential things :
1- cardio : it's the
best way to burn fat , you need to add cardio to your workout routine
2 to 3 times a week and if you see that your weight loss is to slow
do 4 until you start to see progress .
2- a clean Diet :
make sure that you burn more calories than you take , so you need to calculate your calories you can use an exercise calorie calculator and a food calorie calculator .
final word to get
ripped abs you need to be patient , and know that if you worked hard
for something you will get it so stay motivated and get those abs .